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If you had the option to choose one supplement to help you put on lean muscle mass which would you choose?

If you said protein powder, you’re on the right track.

In the midst of hundreds of companies pushing their own protein powder claiming their taste is unrivaled or that they have the best macros, it can be a challenge trying to decide which is most suitable for you. For me, this turned out to be clear whey isolate.

Myprotein Clear Whey Isolate


  • 80 calories & 20g protein
  • Light & refreshing fruit flavors
  • 4g BCAA’s and 3g glutamine
  • 0 added sugars
  • Does NOT cause bloating
  • Dissolves quickly


  • Only 20 & 35 servings options available
  • Not suitable to blend with nuts or other foods to increase caloric count
  • Mild chalky aftertaste



My journey to finding the best protein powder


As a young adult, I have always been a “hard gainer.” Back then I thought I couldn’t do anything about it and that was just how my body was going to stay forever. 

I went on the internet for hours trying to find the best protein powder to complement my workout routine and diet. For me, that meant one that had a bearable taste and the highest amount of calories.

Name any big brand protein powder and I’ve most likely tried it already. Despite alternating between different brands, I always found myself facing the same obstacles.

The first obstacle had to do with preparing the protein shake. Personally, I never fancied the idea of mixing protein powders with water. It has always been milk for me.

The problem with several name brand protein powders is that mixing them with milk in a BlenderBottle usually leaves clumps of undissolved powder.

Of course there’s always the option to mix it in a blender, however, there are many people who are pressed for time early in the morning or simply don’t want to pile up the dirty dishes with a blender after 20 seconds of usage.

Additionally, like many, I would experience bloating on a regular basis. This would often happen an hour or so after drinking the protein shake but the severity depended on the brand. Thankfully I am not lactose intolerant which would only make matters worse, however, I could only imagine the challenge it is for those who are. 

Another issue I would face would be the temperature of the protein shake. During my college years I would have to drink my protein shake quickly in order to prevent it from becoming too warm which really affects the taste especially if you mix your powder with milk. 

After dealing with this for a while, I decided to completely give up on all protein powders for some time, but it wasn’t long until a good friend of mine recommended a protein powder that would eventually becomes my go-to for the foreseeable future.



Myprotein Clear Whey Isolate

clear whey isolate

Myprotein Clear Whey Isolate

I learned about Myprotein and its clear whey isolate protein powder from a friend who recommended it to me. I was skeptical about this brand and product since I usually had negative or neutral experiences with protein powders, but decided I had nothing to lose – except my money of course.

As I browsed through the flavors, I was surprised to see flavors such as lemonade, strawberry, dragon fruit and more. These options were new to me since I always ordered chocolate, vanilla or cookies & cream like almost every other human being who drinks protein shakes.

Here’s how my experience went.



Preparation process


It was my first time mixing water with my protein powder. I followed the instructions using water because who would want to mix lemonade with milk? But to each their own of course.

When mixing 12oz of water with one scoop of the clear whey isolate I was surprised to see the powder dissolve quickly. There were still clumps of powder that hadn’t yet been dissolved, but they were tiny in comparison to the normal whey or whey isolate protein powders I used before.

What was nice was that after 1-2 minutes the small clumps of undissolved protein powder dissolved on its own, something that never happened with any of the other protein powders I’ve used. I literally spent 20-30 seconds shaking the bottle and after waiting 1-2 minutes to let the foam buildup settle down the powder was completely dissolved.



Does it taste good?


If you’re worried about the taste, don’t be. 

The taste is phenomenal, unlike any other protein powder I have ever tried. The lemonade flavor, my personal favorite, produced a protein shake that tasted similar to the lemonade you get at any restaurant like Buffalo Wild Wings.

Like most protein powders, there is a chalky aftertaste. Personally, I didn’t find it to be such a big deal as this is something inevitable in all protein shakes. Besides, its soft rich flavor totally makes up for it.

I found myself to be a little adventurous and tried the strawberry as well as dragon fruit flavor and was not disappointed.

A great advantage Myprotein’s Clear Whey Isolate is that, regardless of the flavor, it is more refreshing than whey concentrate. Their clear whey isolate is light and refreshing while maintaining a great taste. It’s light enough to drink it with a meal that is low on protein or even during your workouts to refresh yourself.

It is simply a great alternative to milk-based whey protein shakes and goes well with cold water and ice.



Okay the preparation and taste are great but what about the macros?


Take a look at your current protein shake’s nutrition label. What you see are high levels of protein which is to be expected from a “protein powder,” but alongside that you have high levels of sugars, carbs, fats, and other additives that you simply don’t need which contribute to unnecessary calories in your diet.

Below is an image of the nutrition label of Myprotein’s Clear Whey Isolate Protein.

Yes, you read that right.

There are 0 added sugars, 0 carbs, and 0 total fat, and to top it all off a solid 20g of protein. What more could you ask for?

If you’re consistently tracking your macros, you’ll notice the clear whey isolate’s nutrition label is accurate. Your body receives 4 calories per 1g of protein you consume. By doing simple math you yourself can prove that all of the calories from the clear whey isolate comes from protein specifically and not from other macros.

(20g protein) x (4 calories/g) = 80 calories


PHF on the subject 


Myprotein’s Clear Whey Isolate is perfect for those looking to find an alternative to milk-based whey protein powders that offer the traditional chocolate and vanilla flavors. Having all of its calories coming from a solid 20g of protein is also suitable for individuals looking to build muscle while reducing their carbs and fat intake.

If there were two words I could use to describe Myprotein’s clear whey isolate, it would be “pure quality” in every sense of the word. I plan on sticking with this protein powder because if it works, why change it?