Mind & Body Discipline


The Ultimate Pre-Workout Guide

  It should be no surprise that pre-workouts are a staple supplement for many in the fitness community. Let's face it, many of us, at one point or another, simply came across the supplement aisle at our grocery or supplement store and picked the pre-workout with...

The Ultimate Protein Guide

  By now most of us know the importance of protein when it comes to adding muscle mass and progressively getting stronger. What many people struggle with, however, is the amount and type of protein they should be consuming and why it's important. Below you'll...

Is Ibuprofen Use Hindering Gains?

  It's tough to imagine a world without the pain-relieving, fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory properties of common NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen. As widespread as they are in their use, what role do they play in the weight lifting community?     What are...

Does the Anabolic Window Exist or is it a Myth?

  The principle of muscle growth in its simplest form can be summarized in two steps. Muscle fibers sustain damage through resistance training and grow during the reparation process. Along with proper nutrition and adherence this will lead to strength and muscle...

The Keto Diet on Weight Loss, Strength & Hypertrophy

    The ketogenic diet, better known as the keto diet, is a center point of conversation among many nutritionists and diet enthusiasts. The popularity of this diet has reached the ears of many at one point or another leaving many to wonder if it's just...

Complete Gym Language Guide: 55+ Terms Explained

  If you're new to the gym or have strongly considered getting a membership to see what all the fuss is about, chances are you may have felt out of place at one point or another - and who wouldn't? We've all been there and sometimes it's nice to know there's...

Sleep Deprivation Hindering Muscle Growth & Performance

  As athletes and bodybuilders, we are constantly looking for the newest diet, training program or supplement that will maximize our results and give us a competitive edge against the rest. Although these are critical for gaining size and strength, we oftentimes...

Animal Protein vs. Plant Protein: Which should I consume?

  You're at a gas station and decide to get a quick protein snack. You have beef jerky on one hand and peanuts on the other, but which should you get? As an athlete or someone who is looking to increase strength and muscle mass, you may be wondering what...

8 Health Benefits of Prebiotics and Probiotics

Bacteria: *Literally Existing* Human: *squirts hand sanitizer*   Although it may seem like humanity has been in a never ending war with bacteria, we actually exist through our participation in this symbiotic relationship.  These bacteria and other microorganisms...

How to Get Veiny Arms?

  Otherwise known as vascularity, veiny arms are an important trait that completes the overall athletic physique. Prominent veins represent strength which is no wonder why many people who don't have them want them.   How do you develop veiny arms? First,...

What is PHFacts?

PHFacts is an educational series covering topics related to fitness, nutrition and supplementation. Backed by the most current scientific literature, the main purpose of PHFacts series is to help you make informed decisions for you to apply in all aspects of your fitness journey and lifestyle.

What is RealTalk?

Unlike PHFacts, RealTalk is a series where I advise, motivate and provide a deeper understanding of the world of fitness to my followers in a more straightforward manner. Although citing scientific literature isn’t the main purpose of the RealTalk series, every post takes current science into consideration when applicable.