The Ultimate Pre-Workout Guide

The Ultimate Pre-Workout Guide

Reading Time: 11 minutes  It should be no surprise that pre-workouts are a staple supplement for many in the fitness community. Let’s face it, many of us, at one point or another, simply came across the supplement aisle at our grocery or supplement store...
The Ultimate Protein Guide

The Ultimate Protein Guide

Reading Time: 18 minutes  By now most of us know the importance of protein when it comes to adding muscle mass and progressively getting stronger. What many people struggle with, however, is the amount and type of protein they should be consuming and why...
Is Ibuprofen Use Hindering Gains?

Is Ibuprofen Use Hindering Gains?

Reading Time: 4 minutes  It’s tough to imagine a world without the pain-relieving, fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory properties of common NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen. As widespread as they are in their use, what role do they play in the weight lifting...
Does the Anabolic Window Exist or is it a Myth?

Does the Anabolic Window Exist or is it a Myth?

Reading Time: 4 minutes  The principle of muscle growth in its simplest form can be summarized in two steps. Muscle fibers sustain damage through resistance training and grow during the reparation process. Along with proper nutrition and adherence this will lead...
The Keto Diet on Weight Loss, Strength & Hypertrophy

The Keto Diet on Weight Loss, Strength & Hypertrophy

Reading Time: 10 minutes    The ketogenic diet, better known as the keto diet, is a center point of conversation among many nutritionists and diet enthusiasts. The popularity of this diet has reached the ears of many at one point or another leaving many to...