

Whether you’re aiming to lose weight, gain muscle, get stronger or all of the above, we can all agree supplements can help facilitate your goals.

I am a firm believer in supplements strictly being supplemental and not the foundation of your nutrition. On that note, out of the hundreds of different types of supplements and brands in today’s saturated market, there are a total of three supplements that I personally use due to their effectiveness and convenience.



1. Creatine Monohydrate


Creatine monohydrate is a relatively inexpensive yet powerful supplement that helps you produce more ATP energy for high-intensity exercises. As the most well-researched supplement, in the form of creatine monohydrate, it aids in building muscle, increasing strength and burning more calories granted you put the work in. If you were to choose only one supplement to use as a beginner, intermediate or advanced athlete, without question it should be creatine monohydrate. This supplement for natural bodybuilding is simply unmatched.

Read our article: Best Way to Use Creatine.

Creatine Monohydrate





250g, 1000g 



$ - $$$


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2. Protein (whey isolate & clear whey isolate)


Training hard is a must if you ever want to build any strength and size but when consuming insufficient amounts of protein those efforts are almost wasted. Protein, specifically whey isolate, is a supplement most people have taken at one point or another in their life. If you are already consuming approximately 1.6 – 2.4g of protein per kg of body weight or 0.7 – 1.1g per lb of bodyweight from whole food sources, then you should continue with what you’re doing. Many people however struggle to consume that much protein and this is where a protein powder would come in handy.

My general habits around protein powders involve mixing whey isolate powder with milk in the morning to go along with my breakfast, whereas in the afternoon/evening I typically mix clear whey isolate powder with water and take it with any meal that has less protein or simply whenever I have a craving for something sweet. One strategy I employ is mixing 5g of creatine with clear whey isolate in an attempt to knock two birds with one stone.


Read our article: The Ultimate Protein Guide.

Whey Isolate Protein





40, 100, 200

27, 54

Protein (g)




$$ - $$$$

$$ - $$$

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Clear Whey Isolate Protein




20, 35

Protein (g)



$$ - $$$

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3. Pre-workout


For many gym-goers, pre-workout is an indispensable supplement. Although this is by no means a necessary supplement, both stim and stim-free pre-workouts have their uses in the gym. Whether you’re looking for an increase in energy (stim or caffeine-based) or simply having a mean pump (stim-free) both can help you feel good and power through your workout. When used responsibly, pre-workouts can take your performance and gains to another level.


Read our article: The Ultimate Pre-Workout Guide.






Godzilla Pre-Workout

Pump Powder


Caffeine - Based

Stim - Free




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